January 30, 2008

i had something great to post the other day but i forgot what it was. anyways, i got Star Wars Republic Commando up and running on the store computer and it is awesome! very much the coolness. i also finally beat the introductory level of MGS3 then sat for a half hour watching cutscene after cutscene while Aliza was on the phone. i didn't talk much. Aliza isn't very happy with me because of that. In fact, i think that she actually hung up on me, which doesn't happen very often without my consent. i'm so confused :)


Eckley29 said...

Yeah... Well hanging up was kinda hard but I did it... your silence is just really annoying... I even ask you if you want me to let you go so you can focus on the TV, and you say no...

Dagdamor said...

well, if you would start it off with a prompt once in a while, maybe we'd get somewhere :D

Dagdamor said...

I'm sorry okay! its not my fault i'm boring, okay maybe it is but its hard to find something to talk about for 2-4 hrs when you haven't been anywhere close enough to have something worth talking about:(

Eckley29 said...

I know and it bites, I though can't help that at the moment but if you knew how hard I was trying... It's just, I am an Eckley and things tend not wo work out for us... I really want to go back up north, and for being only 17 I am trying the best I can...

Dagdamor said...

i wasn't blaming you, i was just commenting on the unnormalishness of our relationship, yaknow? unnormalishness, i like that word :D

Eckley29 said...

I know but I do feel guilty because it was afterall my choice to leave... and it is a good word.

Eckley29 said...

I wanna' come back...

Dagdamor said...

good :D

Eckley29 said...

and I'm working a plan

Dagdamor said...

plans, plans are good