August 11, 2008

the other day me and my sister were driving along, and somehow the conversation got on about geeks, and though i tried to describe my self image to her, she simply refused to agree that i am a geek, though i do display some geekish tendencies. I think that her base of argument is that i don't fit the frail, palid, mousy stereotype she sees geeks as being. now i'm not saying i am a hands down geek, but would i be blogging about this if i didn't have just a little geekiness? anyways, i was IMing with Nojim, and when he heard of this he said "Which sister", i said Melissa, and he said "Lol, she doesn't count"

I busted up :D

Dag out!


Eckley29 said...

you are not an original geek... but geek you are.

Penguino pepper said...

lol. Geekinedd is good 8)

Penguino pepper said...
