February 22, 2009

there must be something better...

okay, it's 12:42 and i just finished reading Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World"

the only question now is...


AAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHH, my brains, they is mushed!!!!


Megin said...

*laughing* You've read Animal Farm too, yes? Now you can be paranoid for days!

Megin said...

Ooo, and chuck 1984 in there as well- might as well go for the full effect.

Dagdamor said...

i've read both, plus Fehrenheit 451 if you class them all together like i do

Duamuteffe said...

Other negative utopias...

Jack London - "The Iron Heel"
Yvgeny Zamyatin - "We"
Alan Harrington - "Life In the Crystal Palace "

I did a paper on them in college. Interesting reading.

"Man builds machines that act like men, and develop men who act like machines."
-Erich Fromm

Bravo001 said...

I always loved 451. It's remained one of my favorites, one which I've reread more times than I can count. *grin*