April 7, 2010

Someone Who Cares...

Lyrics i just heard that fit the post :)

So, its 3:45 am, just finished some homework in the computer lab on campus. i think i'm going to put off setting up the new computer till tomorrow, as excited i am about it. Further thanks are in order for all those involved, so thank you Owlvark for getting everything prepared, i hope that someday we will meet. Thank you Shiksa for the transport and lunch, its always great to get out and spend time with you. And thank you Daum for all the borrowed culture. I'm not exactly sure who to thank for the physical computer itself, but let the owner know that it is appreciated.


1 comment:

Duamuteffe said...

Suz was the donatrix for that particular machine. The peripherals came from our box 'o stock.

The Owlvark would like to re-extend his offer of tutoring should the math get hefty- we have transport now, too.