February 3, 2007

Mistaken identity

Oh, No, It, Can't, Be,... THERE ARE TWO DAG'S ON BLOGGER.COM!!!!!!!!!!!
I just discovered that another Dag posts here on Blogger.
Credit where credit is due, his blog is at http://dagsplace.blogspot.com/
Also, he has seniority on me by 2 years so respect his site so he doesn't complain bout mine :D
An very strange coincidence that two bloggers with the same name and the same URL would be on the same site, WIERD!

February 2, 2007

Hello Blogger.com

Good Morrow People of Blogger.com, I am quite pleased to be here with you all to throw mind numbing thoughts of mine own and quotes most likely stolen from others at you in the vain attempt to entertain you for a few minutes with the hope of bringing you back here again. Why any of you would be interested in my day to day troubles is beyond me but if you are reading this right now, i guess that means its working. So with this I bid you all adieu.