right, so i've been meaning to post this for a week or two, but first a fact: the average guy cries 17 times a year. anywho, i was watching this movie the other day called Saved, interesting movie i thought. anyway, before i watched it, i was brushing my teeth in the bathroom thinking to myself when i suddenly slipped and hit my head off the toilet. as i awoke, i realized that i don't express my emotions very well(at least i don't think so). so back to the movie, i connected to some of the characters and related well, and at one point during the sadness montage, short clips of each character feeling sad fading to the next, one guy was looking at a picture of the main girl in the story. and i myself grew saddend, so i reached over to my nightstand and grabbed a pic. of Aliza, and as the sad melody played i cried, and teardrops fell on my pillowcase, and all that cliched crap, and then i was happy, and then it was weird, and then i was happy again, and then for the next few days i sat and pondered the movie. and then i felt like blogging about it. and thats what i just did :D