September 8, 2007

Don't you just hate that...

I just had another one of those moments where you go, "I'm almost 17, i'm a junior, i graduate next year, i can drive by myself in about a month, i'll only be a teen for like 3 more years, i don't even have a paying job, and what will i look back too when i'm older. what have i been doing all this time? and suddenly you realize that life sucks right now, ah sentence enhancer! i love that term meg used for my rambling, teen angst. suggestive but just vauge enough to work.


Duamuteffe said...

Ignore all those people who say these are the best years of your life. They're not. They're just some crappy years to get through until you can start an actual life. I look back at high school now and go, "Well, thank goodness I'm not *there* anymore!" I wouldn't worry about not doing anything interesting now; you'll have plenty of time once you leave where you're at and get a look at the real world.

Eckley29 said...

I feel your pain...

Duamuteffe said...

Heh, and when I was still in school and mentioned to my mother that the quote-unquote popular kids had been saying that these were the best years of our lives, she cracked up and said, "Bull! So why don't they just shoot themselves in the head at graduation? If that's as good as it's going to get for them, then why bother? Just grab the diploma and BOOM!"

Everything gets so much better when you get out of high school, it's amazing. It's all circling the airport until then. I've been out ten years now and things just keep getting better and better and more and more interesting. There is no reason in the world why anyone as smart as you guys would peak in high school, so don't worry about the "am I wasting my life" thing- these years are not going to be the highlight of your memory reel when you're eighty, it'll be the stuff that comes after. You're more or less currently waiting for your lives to start. All the best stuff comes later, when you get out of the little bitty close-minded places you grew up in and get away from the ridiculously overblown social drama-fest that is high school and get some time in the great wide world instead.

For the next year or so, until that happens, may I suggest a reading list, to pass the time somewhat usefully? #grins#

Dagdamor said...

i actually have one of those, had it all summer :D just haven't gotten to it