March 21, 2010

The End is Nigh...

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph; they've done it...
the House has passed the new health care bill, *dramatic music Duh Dun DAAAAAAA*

quickly everyone, don every article of protective clothing you can find because any accident now WILL KILL YOU

you may try to crawl into a hospital with a bleeding stump for a leg, but if you're not a democrat and your insurance card isn't stamped with ObamaCare, you will be left to die. there is a chance that a nurse may pause long enough to laugh sinisterly at you before they throw you out though.

and don't forget to hide your elderly in the attic because I smell the Inquisition just around the corner.

or so i've heard...
from my republican parent...
the same one that believes NAFTA somehow involved Bill Clinton physically handing America's balls to China...

I can't wait to see how it all pans out :)


Duamuteffe said...

Somehow, that bio-parent's reaction does not surprise me in the least.

As it stands, Canada and Europe do quite all right for themselves. I've been both places, and as a rule they're a lot more relaxed than we are. I think the Union will survive #grins#

Dagdamor said...

i'm interested to know which union it is that you are refering to.

Duamuteffe said...

The country we live in, dear. That's why we call them "State of the Union" addresses, and why "preservation of the Union" was a major concern in the Civil War.

Dagdamor said...

It could have gone two ways, as Europe was mentioned in the same paragraph, but now that you have clarified, i think it makes it funnier.