February 6, 2008


that be a link a series of movies about a stick figure ninja called xiao xiao by his creator and alternately Crazy Jay the Ninja, and i must say that they are HILARIOUS! you should definetly check them out if you haven't before :)


Bravo001 said...

did you ever see the xiao xiao shoot em up games? I'm wondering if it's the same thing. If not, I'll try to find the link for you.

Dagdamor said...

the chinese guy, Zhu something, made 9 xiao xiao episodes, 1,3,5,7 and 8 were straight movies, 2,4,6, and 9 were interactive, with button timing being important i think. i also enjoyed the War Animations and Castle series, on the same site but by different people. much more complex and lots more blood, btw, nice to see you around these parts Bravo, always great to see a new face, er, name :D

Megin said...

Okay, Dag, two links... The first is the first Young Ninja comic, and the second is the links page where you'll find the rest of the series. (You can't just click next episode, because it will take you to the next day's comic in the Skinny Panda strip. The stick figure comics are spread throughout the rest of the main comic.) Anyway, linkage!



Megin said...

The whole comic is fabulous- the stick figure ones are just little vignettes and tres amusante. Evil Children of the world is a good one too....

Dagdamor said...

lol, they were very funny, i did enjoy them, thnx de shiksa, you were right, the cheeto ninja was rediculousy funny, "but... you killed Myron!" "It doesn't matter, he'll reincarnate later"