July 12, 2008

it has been asserted that a certain party is awesome for pointing out a corolation between the One Ring of The Lord of The Rings, and the Horcruxes of Harry Potter. when asked if i had heard why this was awesome i responded thus:

"right , the ring and horcruxes, however i must argue that the ring and the horcruxes are made somewhat differently, the ring was imbuned with magic and Sauron's malice as he was making the ring, the horcruxes on the other hand were merely objects that Voldemort attached bits of his soul to after killing people, and Sauron needed no murder to create the ring, also the horcruxes (beyond the ones that are deathly hallows) have no other purpose, whereas the ring was made to control other rings of magic."

What say you all to that?


Eckley29 said...

Jumpins! Didn't we just talk about this?

Gandalf says:

"His life force is bound to the ring and the ring survived. Sauron has returned..."

Is that not what happened to Voldemort? When he attempted to kill Harry it backfired and hit him but he survived because pieces of his soul were in random objects (including a ring)...

Can you not argue that it is almost the same thing? A piece of Sauron was lingering in the One Ring, keeping him alive... Just like Voldemort and the horcruxes...

Dagdamor said...

Saurons Life Force (aka soul) is bound to the ring, so his soul is attached to it, but the horcruxes actually contain bits of Riddles soul, difference? i think so!

and the "it kept them alive" argument is a whole different tangent, since i argue that sauron's "death may not have been as thought to be

Penguino pepper said...

Gah! I need to see lord of the rings.

Eckley29 said...

yes... yes you do... it is impossible for one's life to be complete without Lord of the Rings and Sweeney Todd!!!