July 8, 2008

okay, staying up till 5:30 was a bad idea, but i had such a wonderful time, reading and posting and finding new pictures on DA, so much fun and excitement. then i finally went to bed and had a great dream which was a little fuzzy in the details but largely focused on that Zombie comic, though at one point it was me and my dad, in an appartment that was made to combat zombies in, and there was a room surrounded by these remote like things that were like garage door openers that would open a bit of the walls (which i assume was meant to be a form of quick escape. then it was like total craziness from then on, and i'm not even sure that i saw a zombie through the entire thing, but there was always that fear there, really great dream :)

1 comment:

Penguino pepper said...

Sounds... Interesting.